Unveiling Innovation: BASECAMP – A Global Game Changer 

Reflecting on our recent participation as a finalist in the Go Global Awards, an esteemed annual event that unites leaders of internationally-focused companies, Thermal Intelligence proudly stands at the forefront of industrial innovation. This event, spanning over three days, was not just a prestigious award competition; it provided an invaluable platform for exchanging knowledge, developing […]

Why is heat efficiency important for the environment?

The Hidden Environmental Cost of Heat When we think of environmental concerns, the usual suspects come to mind: carbon emissions, deforestation, and pollution. But there’s one less-discussed yet equally important concern: heat efficiency. Here’s why it matters: 1. Reduced Carbon Footprint: Efficient heating systems burn less fuel. This means fewer emissions are released into the atmosphere. With […]

Technology: Changing The Way We Heat Construction Sites

Project Manager on cold weather construction site and Industrial Heater Manufactures

The years 2014 to 2017 have been record-breakers when it comes to climate change events. It is the beginning of a long-term trend following an average increase of one degree Fahrenheit in the Earth’s temperature in the 20th century. To put this in real terms, what may seem like insignificant changes in temperature, have massive […]